Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Oh, The Holiday Guilt!

I am a nervous wreck today. I really think I should be going home for the long weekend but I really don't want to make the trip. The kids are off of school, Shane is off work tomorrow and Friday, he could leave early today if he wanted to, and we are stuck, the seven of us in this tiny little apartment for a few more weeks, AND this year we are staying home for Christmas for the very first time because our new house is getting finished just 2 weeks before Christmas. So why don't we just pack up and visit our family and friends? Is the 13 hour trip really that bad? It must be, because I can't bring myself to tell Shane we should go home. I think I'm being selfish! I just do not want to have the hassle of the packing, the driving, the disrupted schedules, the re-packing, and again did I mention 13 hours on the road! I miss everyone terribly. I do. I want to see them! But some part of me can't commit to the horrible trip!

Shane is no help either, he doesn't want to go at all. I don't think he even feels bad about it. I keep mentioning casually about going and he really doesn't respond. I guess if I can just get through today without packing us then tomorrow it will be too late and I will relax. We have a million things we should be doing anyway!

Anyway..... JJ is getting sooooo big. Last night I was holding him and he decided he wanted to play. He was sitting on my lap in the big blue recliner and he started flinging his arms up over his head and propelling his body back as hard as he could so he would slam himself into the chair or my leg or whatever. Then he would struggle a little to sit back up so I would give him just a little help and he would then propel himself back towards me as hard as he could. I think he may just be the most wild one we have had yet. He found all this highly satisfying and would giggle at himself and smile the whole time. I can't believe he is going to me seven months in a few days. In January Sarah will be seven and Madeline will be five. Then there is March right around the corner when Adam will turn twelve! I can't believe how the years are flying by. Five years seemed like a hundred when I was younger, now they seem like a few months. It is very strange. Kind of depressing but very exciting to watch them all grow.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday already

I can't believe it is already Monday! I told myself I would update this thing by now, but of course I haven't and there are a million other things I should be doing! I need to call movers, I need to email our wonderful mortgage man who I have grown to strongly dislike over the past few months, I need to make cornbread for 30 for Sarah's Thanksgiving feast at school tomorrow, and I have an exam that was due last night due for school. I wonder sometimes if I am purposely trying to sabotage my schoolwork so I won't finish my degree. I am so close now, but boy do I hate every second of it. Maybe subconsciently I know I really don't want to teach so I just keep dropping classes! (I really only dropped one, but feel really guilty about it) Anyway I am rambling.

Our house is coming along beautifully, we broke in over the weekend to measure for blinds. We really hate having to call and meet someone out there just to get in our house and then have them hover over us every second. So we have taken to leaving the tiny basement window unlocked and we lower Madeline through the window, she runs to the basement door and lets us in. We're raising tiny little burglars! But really it's our house, it's complete insanity that we can't just have a key!!! Anyway the landscaping is in now!

It's practically done! Just 23 more days till closing! I cannot wait to get out of this apartment.

I guess I have to go now, JJ wants fed. At least I wrote something! One of these days it might even get interesting!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Maddie wins best costume I think
Jacob's first Halloween!
Sarah's first scary costume!
The sick little witch
And Adam... under there somewhere!

Finally!! I've been meaning to start a blog for around four years now! So here it is. To all my friends and family who I neglect to keep in touch with...... this is my way of trying to make up! I will try my best to keep this updated once a week or so! Or at least monthly!! Of course we're still in the old ages using dial up so I don't know how many pictures you are really going to get out of me but I guess I'll start with Halloween!

This year poor little Sophie was ill. She fell asleep in the van so Shane and I just drove around in the van with her and JJ while Adam, Sarah, and Maddie trick-or-treated by themselves. It was kind of a let down since I enjoy the experience all most as much as the kids but I was exhausted from being up with Sophie and her croup the entire night before so I just stayed in the van and trailed the children throughout our current neighborhood. She woke up when we were done and Daddy carried her into the grocery store to buy some bags of candy!
So, it just took an hour to upload my six pictures!!!!! I guess this is all I will do for now. Check back soon. I'm sure my skills at posting this stuff will improve. (Hoping anyway!)