Wednesday, March 5, 2008

All Safe, I guess

So, we are all safe here. I have no idea what was going on the other night. I guess it wasn't very important! Or they just never found what they were looking for!

Hubby has been busy killing trees and displacing squirrels. However, the beavers by the creek can rest their jaws if they just drag a few logs down there. How strong is a beaver?

The neighbors are very interested in what he has been doing. I'm sure they are all a little nervous since the excavator is still ominously sitting in the backyard, patiently awaiting yet another weekend of tree removal. And of course what do you do with all those trees? If you hear any reports of forest fires in Virginia in the coming months you might know where they originated.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

What is it with that man and tree's?? LMAO